what is a traficker manager or traffic manager?
Did you know what a digital trafficker or traffic manager is? Here we tell you what he is: He is a professional who is dedicated to designing online advertising campaigns and implementing them with the aim of getting web traffic.
A trafficker is in charge of optimizing the investment in online advertising, trying to get the greatest amount of web traffic with the least possible investment in advertising.
His main function is to create Internet advertising campaigns, and for this he plans, budgets, implements, analyzes and optimizes this type of marketing actions.
Having the digital trafficker profile will allow you to have one of the most demanded professional profiles in the world of marketing. Online advertising, its ability to segment and connect with potential customers is taking advantage over any other type of advertising.
Today, rare is the business that has not given it a chance and has proven its enormous effectiveness. However, to get good results you have to know how to do more than just promote a post on Facebook.
You have to know about all the platforms and advertising formats that exist on the Internet (Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Display…), and strategically use information about potential customers to capture and sell them (funnels).
It is in this context where the Trafficker appears as an expert to take charge of the online multichannel strategy, and that in large companies it is combined with the offline strategy in a great omnichannel advertising strategy.
Advantages of being a Digital Trafficker
Being a relatively new figure with a high value for companies, whoever is trained and gains some experience in this field will have enormous advantages when it comes to working:
- You can create your own online business as a Trafficker Consultant because, being a new figure, many large and medium-sized companies still prefer to outsource the service.
- You will also be able to offer services to small businesses and entrepreneurs who know very well the power of a good advertising strategy.
- If you want to go to work in an Advertising or Media agency, it is an ideal field of specialization at this time.
- You will know how to manage economic figures, therefore, it will be easy for you to work with different payment/salary modalities (objectives, savings achieved, etc.)
- Much of your work can be automated, so you won’t need to have fixed hours or too much workload.
Functions of a Traffic Manager or Digital Trafficker
To better understand what a digital trafficker is, it is essential to know what functions they develop for their clients. The main functions developed by a digital trafficker are:
Customer audit: It is the first thing a digital trafficker does with customers. Investigate the status of the client’s advertising account through 2 steps:
Internal audit: analyzes the advertising campaigns that the client has previously carried out, compiling the most relevant data for later study.
External audit: Analyze the ad campaigns carried out by the main competition.
Strategic planning: After knowing the status of the client’s advertising account, the trafficker plans the advertising strategy, defining the channels and funnels through which he is going to get the user’s lead, planning the spending of the campaign, preparing a budget and defining goals to be achieved with it.
Implementation of the advertising campaign: Once the planning is finished, the digital trafficker is in charge of creating the advertising campaign on the different platforms that have been planned.
Monitoring of the advertising campaign: Once the campaign has been launched, the trafficker will analyze its performance and results, making the appropriate adjustments to guarantee the best result for the money invested.