What are Twitter lists? What are they and how to use them in Latin America.
What is this question for on Twitter? The uses of the lists and their benefits.
Lists have always been used on the social network. Many use them, but they are hardly spoken of, because most do not know that they exist and what their function is.
In quita it is said that 5 percent know that the lists exist and that they are used.
spues we will talk about advanced techniques of Community management, public relations, etc.
For now we will focus on what are the twitter lists.
What are Twitter lists?
It is a directory of contacts where you can use them with a specific timeline. The idea is to concentrate a few tweets to read them calmly. (To those on the list) and has the following characteristics:
You can create them from users you already follow, or from users you don’t follow (unless it is private and with a padlock)
They can be public or private. Public lists will be on your profile and notify who is on the list.
The lists have a name and a description.
Other users can follow your twitter list.
Originally published at http://gmcoachingyemprendimiento.home.blog on August 20, 2020.