It is a new knowledge that we will add in the blog: the therapeutic writing, practice for coch and client.
In this article you will discover the importance of applying therapeutic writing in your coaching sessions and why you can strengthen your coach.
Therapeutic writing is a technique used in the field of coaching and psychology. Its main objective is to help people process their thoughts and emotions in a healthier way.
It is based on the idea that writing about our feelings and experiences can help us understand us better and find possibilities and alternatives for those who are being.
In the context of coaching, therapeutic writing can be used as a tool to accompany customers. Punctually to explore their thoughts and emotions in depth and find new perspectives and solutions to their challenges.
The techniques of therapeutic or emotional writing are very simple and accessible. They simply invite us to write freely, automatically, without judgments or censorship about what flows at that time. There are numerous exercises that Coach and Client can explore as part of the sessions to reinforce learning and reflect on the process.
How can we use therapeutic writing?
To use therapeutic writing in coaching, the coach can guide the client through exercises designed to explore their thoughts and emotions.
Some examples:
- The coach can propose to the client to write about a situation that worries him or caused stress. Then, in the session, he must accompany him to identify patterns and trends in his thoughts, actions and emotions.
- The mentor can also invite the client to register their objectives and interests. This will allow you to analyze priorities and define a learning plan and actions that connect the client with your vision.
The coach can use triggers (PROMPTS) to propose creative and challenging exercises for your client. For example, images, photographs or objects that are significant for customer's personal history.
Therapeutic writing is also a valuable tool for executive and work coaches.
In the business field, coaches can work with their clients with writing tools to register their strengths and weaknesses. The writing, if validated by the client, can help you develop skills to manage better stressful situations. In turn, customers can be invited to draw their own relationship map in the organization and work on stories that allow them to visualize in their future achievements.
In addition, this technique is used as a way to monitor customer progress and growth. From brief notes written by the coach or by the client, or both collaboratively in sessions of reflection on the process.
The result of writing exercises is confidential and corresponds to the client to decide whether to keep those writings for himself or prefers to discard them. You do not need to give your annotations to the coach and, within the framework of the session, the client is free to read them or share only some references.
What if I use therapeutic writing to strengthen my Coach?
As a coach, you may be in situations where you have to deal with strong emotions and personal difficulties that cross the listening of your clients by reducing effectiveness.
Therapeutic writing can also be very beneficial for a coach in this situation since it allows it to process and release its internal listening.
To use therapeutic writing as a personal tool, you can follow the same steps you would use with a client.
For example, having a time within your coaching routines or working with your supervisor what you point out in your writing exercises. It is excellent support to recognize your achievements and challenges as coach and to identify improvement areas.
In addition, you work on your vulnerability, in the exploration of your own emotional answers and your own questions about your professional being. Before working with your client, emotional writing techniques, it is very valuable for them to experience yourself.
Because we decided to do it and focus on a coach to help health. And because? Because we are leaving a toxic and very difficult environment, then we have decided in due time to have this service.