earn money writing for travel magazines. last part.
all magazines newspapers, pay the job, after published. the payment can vary between 20 or 30 days. It is important that you start working, it is clear what the payment is and the amount to be collected. in addition to the legal aspect such as invoices, as it changes from country to country.
can i live from this?
Yes you can. the idea is to achieve a rhythm of publications in at least two media, to have them published monthly or every two months and generate a stream of entries that allows you to continue.
what should I not do?
write for many media at the time and more if it is competition. It is not ethical, it exhausts the rhythm and you will burn the rabbits, if you have a lot in your hands.
What else should I not do?
ask a travel journalist how he did it. I knock on the door and wait.
the recommendation is to take responsibility for everything that is said. sensitivity to know the destination, curiosity, flexibility to travel, humility to ask and sincerity for the trip. besides patience and love for what he does.
Originally published at http://gmcoachingyemprendimiento.home.blog on June 19, 2020.