Earn money writing for travel magazines in Latin America.
Today we will be talking about how to earn money with an option that is gaining a lot of strength.
we are talking about being a traveling writer. This may take a while (as a freelance worker) but if you are passionate about writing and traveling, it is your best option.
Who does not like to travel and more after this long quarantine. we all want to travel! For that you save to travel.
In this case we want to save a lot and do what we are passionate about: traveling. but we have to generate income to continue traveling.
There are ways to win and one of them is to write in magazines and get paid for it.
We are currently working on a travel blog and we can say that we won.
Now how do we get closer to a travel magazine?
As travelers we like to read a lot about travel to inspire us. So there is a way that catches our attention and what we have to do is knock on the door or knock on it.
You must look in the digital or physical version for the editorial coordinator or another name. Many times it is not visible but contact the closest one.
What do I say to the editor, director of the magazine?
Don’t write such a long email. Editors are bored by such long emails. Every day they send them messages saying that they want to collaborate with them.
It was recognized and what you say is that you want to collaborate with that medium, also briefly introduce yourself and how we could collaborate together. Also ask if they need external collaborators and travel proposals, if it is interesting.
leave a link to your blog, which is the best cover letter and say goodbye by writing that you expect a prompt response. Be nice, you are not the only one who has traveled and has wonderful things.
Originally published at http://gmcoachingyemprendimiento.home.blog on June 11, 2020.