
Agencies: the 4 changes that are here to stay after the pandemic

Travel agencies, like most subsectors of the tourism industry, will undergo radical changes as a result of the pandemic that will overturn travel marketing as it was known until now. Four are the changes identified by the experts in this new scenario, which will come and stay

Strengthening of professional relationships with the franchise as the protagonist

This time of crisis has helped to recognize the role of travel agents and their importance in critical situations in the travel process; but it has also allowed advisors to see the value of belonging to a franchise or consortium.

This has been confirmed by Debbie Fiorino, director of operations for Dream Vacations, CruiseOne and Cruises Inc, who predicts that professional relationships will be more important than ever, reports Travel Pulse. “Those larger umbrella organizations offered assistance to their advisers, from marketing help to advice on how to overcome revenue shortfalls, among other things.”

Technology for sales and promotion

During this crisis, technology has marked a before and after in communications. Tools such as Zoom, Skype or Teams have become the new setting for holding events, from small business meetings to marketing campaigns and training courses.

In that sense, Michelle Fee, executive director and founder of Cruise Planners, highlights that travel agents will use more this type of technology for sales. “It’s a virtual world right now with Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms. We hope agents continue to leverage face-to-face video technology to create and grow relationships with their clients, ”she says.

They will also need to “adopt new tactics to harness technology to its full potential,” she adds, citing cruise planners’ Where2Next virtual event travel series that enables advisors to invite clients to explore new destination opportunities together from virtual form.

Health protocols

The challenge of facing a pandemic in the travel sector raises the emphasis on health and safety protocols both in the means of transport used and in establishments and destinations.

We have seen that airlines have implemented strict protocols, as well as cruise ships and hotels and travel agents must be aware of the latest news and updates in this regard to inform their customers.

Cancellation policies

Flexible cancellation policies will remain in place for now, experts say, though some predict it is likely to be a momentary change. “We hope to see that flexible cancellation policies continue until at least the end of 2021. However, we do not believe it is a permanent change in the industry,” said Michelle Fee.



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